Roofing Contract 2024 (guide+ free templates)

A roofing contract is a written document that outlines the details of a roofing project, including the scope of work, materials to be used, costs, payment schedule, timelines, and any warranties or guarantees.

It serves as a clear and agreed-upon plan for the roofing job, ensuring that both parties understand their responsibilities and expectations to complete the project successfully.

As a seasoned lawyer with years of experience in contract law and a property owner who has engaged in numerous roofing contracts, I understand the intricate details and potential pitfalls that come with these agreements.

Roofing projects can be significant investments, both in terms of time and money. Whether you’re looking to repair a few shingles, replace an entire roof, or embark on a full-scale renovation, the success of your project often hinges on the strength and clarity of your roofing contract.

To help you with that, here I will cover everything you need to know about the contract for roofing, including

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  • Why do you need a roofing Contract?
  • What should a roofing contract include?
  • How to write a roofing contract
  • roofing contract terms and conditions
  • Essential elements of a roofing contract
  • Free roofing contract template
  • Simple roofing contract template

Let’s get started

See also:

Why do you need a roofing Contract?

You need a roofing contract for several important reasons, including;

Clear Expectations

A roofing contract outlines the specific details of the project, including the scope of work, materials to be used, and the timeline for completion.

This clarity helps ensure that both you and the roofing contractor are on the same page about what needs to be done.

Legal Protection

A well-drafted roofing contract serves as a legally binding agreement.

It protects your rights and interests as a property owner by establishing the terms and conditions of the project.

If any disputes arise during or after the project, the contract can serve as evidence of the agreed-upon terms.

Cost Estimates

The contract should include a breakdown of costs, payment schedules, and any potential additional charges.

This transparency helps you understand the financial aspects of the project and prevents unexpected expenses.

Quality Assurance

By specifying the materials and workmanship standards in the contract, you can ensure that the roofing contractor delivers the quality of work you expect.

This is especially important for long-term durability and the protection of your property.

Project Timelines

The contract should include a timeline for project completion.

Having a set schedule helps you plan accordingly and holds the contractor accountable for meeting deadlines.

Warranties and Guarantees

A roofing contract may include information about warranties on materials and workmanship.

This ensures that you have recourse if any issues arise after the project is completed.

Legal Compliance

Contracts often include clauses related to insurance, permits, and compliance with local building codes.

This helps ensure that the roofing project is conducted legally and in compliance with all regulations.

Risk Mitigation

In case of accidents or injuries during the project, the contract may outline insurance coverage and liability responsibilities, protecting you from potential legal and financial liabilities.


Having a formal contract in place demonstrates professionalism and commitment from the roofing contractor.

It shows that they are serious about the project and accountable for their work.

Peace of Mind

Ultimately, a roofing contract provides peace of mind.

It reduces uncertainty and minimizes the risk of misunderstandings, disputes, or subpar workmanship during your roofing project.

I understand that a roofing contract agreement isn’t the ultimate answer to all roofing issues. It is, nonetheless, a crucial document for all parties concerned to establish necessary boundaries and transparency.

What should a roofing contract include?

A well-drafted roofing contract should include several essential components to ensure clarity and protect the interests of both the homeowner and the roofing contractor.

Here’s a list of what a roofing contract should typically include:

  1. Contact Information: Include the full contact details of both parties, including names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.
  2. Project Description: Clearly specify the scope of the roofing project. Describe in detail what work will be done, including any materials to be used, the extent of repairs or replacements, and any additional services like debris removal or clean-up.
  3. Timeline: Define the project timeline, including the start date and estimated completion date. This helps set clear expectations for when the work will be finished.
  4. Payment Terms: Outline the payment schedule, including the total contract price, deposit amount (if applicable), and any milestones for payments tied to project progress. Be clear about accepted payment methods.
  5. Warranty/Guarantee: Detail any warranties or guarantees offered by the roofing contractor. This should include information on what’s covered, the duration of the warranty, and any conditions or limitations.
  6. Permits and Licensing: Specify which party (contractor or homeowner) will be responsible for obtaining necessary permits and licenses. Ensure compliance with local regulations.
  7. Insurance: Confirm that the roofing contractor has valid liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance. Include details of their insurance coverage.
  8. Change Orders: Outline the procedure for handling any changes or additions to the project scope. This should include how changes will be documented and their potential impact on cost and timeline.
  9. Cleanup and Disposal: Describe how debris removal, cleanup, and disposal of old roofing materials will be handled. This helps prevent disputes about the condition of the property after the project is completed.
  10. Indemnification Clause: Clarify the responsibilities of each party in case of damage to the property or injury during the project. This clause should address liability and indemnify the homeowner or contractor accordingly.
  11. Termination Clause: Specify under what conditions the contract can be terminated by either party and the associated penalties or consequences.
  12. Arbitration or Dispute Resolution: Include a clause that outlines the process for resolving disputes, such as mediation or arbitration, before pursuing legal action.
  13. Safety Measures: Emphasize the importance of safety on the job site and any safety precautions that will be taken during the project.
  14. Signatures: Provide space for both parties to sign and date the contract. Signatures indicate agreement and acceptance of the terms and conditions.
  15. Attachments and Exhibits: Include any additional documents or drawings that are relevant to the project, such as architectural plans or material specifications.

Roofing Contract Terms and Conditions

Roofing contract terms and conditions are the legally binding elements that outline the rights and responsibilities of both the property owner and the roofing contractor during a roofing project.

Roofing contract terms and conditions typically cover crucial aspects such as the scope of work, materials to be used, payment schedule, project timeline, warranties, dispute resolution, and any relevant local regulations.

It is essential for both parties to thoroughly review and understand these terms before signing a roofing contract to ensure a smooth and successful project.

The following section explains in detail how to incorporate terms and conditions in your roofing contract.

How to write a roofing contract

Writing a roofing contract is a crucial step to ensure clarity, protect both parties’ interests, and establish a legal framework for the roofing project.

Here’s a basic outline of how to write a roofing contract:


The first element of the roofing contract is a title.

The title of the contract for roofing must be placed at the top of the document and 

It should simply state the nature or primary purpose of the contract- a roofing contract, Commercial roofing contract, or Residential roofing contract

If you prefer to use a cover page, the title must also appear on the cover page.

The title must be bolded and capitalized.

for example

Title of the roofing contract


Every roofing contract must include particulars of the contracting parties i.e a roofing contractor and homeowner.

For a roofing contractor, the contract must show the business name and address,  license number, insurance information, etc. This information convinces the homeowner about the company’s authenticity.

For the homeowner, the contract must include the homeowner’s name, address, phone number, and email address, as well as the location of the house where the project will be done, in case it is different from the owner’s address.

for example


This Roofing Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is entered into on [date] (the “Effective Date”), by and between [contractor business name], with an address of [mail and physical adress]  (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”) and [name of the homeowner] with an address of [address and contact details] (hereinafter referred to as the “Homeowner”) (collectively referred to as the “Parties”)

Scope of the work

The scope of work specifies the work that the contractor will perform.

Where necessary the scope of work will include labor and materials required to finish the project.

Check it over with your contractor to make sure the scope of work segment includes all of the necessary materials and labor.

Take the time to double-check that the work outlined fits the manufacturer’s warranty and installation standards, which may include ventilation, low-slope roofs, and ice dam prevention, if applicable.

Duration of work

This segment specifies the time for completing the project.

The length of a project depends on the size of the house, materials used,  season, the experience of the contractor,  and whether or not the contractor has a backlog of work.

Regardless of these circumstances, the average time from contract signing to job start for a roofing project is two to six weeks.

Make sure the duration included is reasonable to avoid unnecessary delays and inconvenience.


This segment stipulates the cost of the project, deposit and payment schedule.

The payment schedule and deposit requirements for each contractor may differ.

In most cases, you should anticipate paying a deposit.

The expectation should never be that the upfront payment would cover the total cost of the job.

Furthermore, the total deposit and payments made during the roofing project should never exceed 75% of the entire job cost.

However, it is normal practice to pay an initial deposit when the project is booked, a second payment when the materials are delivered to the residence, and a third payment after the work is completed.

Warranties and representations

This segment contains the promises and the warranty of both parties.

Here the contractor  may promise the homeowner that an assertion or condition is true, and he will indemnify the homeowner in the event the assertion or condition is false

for example

The Contractor assures the Customer of using experienced and trained workmen and decent quality material in roofing tasks.

On the other hand, the homeowner may assure the contractor that some facts are true, just to induce him to enter into a contract.

for example

A homeowner agrees to pay the full amount indicated in this contract within 7 days of notification of project completion by contractor

If that representation is false, and the contractor has engaged in a contract based on that representation, he has the right to rescind the contract and sue for damages.

Generally, you must ensure that the representations and warranties given are truthful and correct and that such representations and warranties are carefully examined and stated to avoid any unnecessary future disputes.

You may learn more about warranties and representations here

Assignment clause

This clause stipulates whether a party to a contract is allowed to transfer his rights and duties under this contract to a third party.

In most cases, parties to the roofing contract agree not to assign any of the responsibilities unless both Parties consent in writing.

Force Majure

If an extraordinary circumstance directly prevents one or both parties from performing the contract, this section releases both parties from liability.

A non-performing party may invoke a force majeure provision to excuse non-performance owing to circumstances beyond his control, and not due to the non-performing party’s fault or carelessness.

For example, a contractor may invoke a force majure when he fail to perform the roofing contract due to floods, fire outbreaks, or hurricanes.

Force majeure events, which are usually referred to as “acts of God,” include fires, floods, hurricanes, war, etc.

You may learn more about force majure here

Termination clause

This segment deals with how the contract will come to an end.

It specifies the conditions for terminating the contract, such as the notice that must be given, any payments that must be made, and whether or not deposits are refundable.

If you want to terminate the contract and the roofer has already incurred expenditures, many roofers may include the provision to be paid a predetermined percentage of the overall contract value or the cost of the supplies.

See: Roofing contract cancellation letter

Dispute settlement clause

This clause stipulates how you will handle any dispute that arises from your roofing contract.

It states the methods of settlement and the forum- court, tribunal, arbitrator, etc.

Governing law

This segment stipulates the law over the contract.

The law selected may be the law of the state where the contractor resides, the law of the state where the homeowner resides, or the law of the state where the project will be done.

The governing law will be applied when there is a dispute or when the roofing contractor is silent in specific circumstances.

Signature and date

This segment shows that parties have voluntarily agreed to the agreement on the specified date.

lack of signature and date renders your contract unenforceable.

If you are entering a contract with a roofing company, make sure the person who is signing it, is an authorized company representative.

Roofing contract template



This Roofing Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is entered into on [date] (the “Effective Date”), by and between [contractor business name], with an address of [mail and physical address]  (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”) and [name of the homeowner] with an address of [address and contact details] (hereinafter referred to as the “Homeowner”) (collectively referred to as the “Parties”)

Scope of the work

The Contractor agrees to complete the following work.

  • To remove………..sqft of old shingles
  • To replace any damaged plywood decking with approved plywood roof decking
  • To replace roof flashing, including drip edge, pipe vent collars, and valley flashing
  • Installation of water/ice protective membrane along eaves
  • Installation of 41 black roofs felt on roof decking, up to ……….sqft
  • Installation of roofing shingles of homeowner’s choice in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications
  • Installation of an approved ridge vent
  • Clean-up of the project site and disposal of all project waste

Duration of work

The Parties agree that the date of completing the services by the Contractor will not be later than [six weeks/two months] from the effective date.


The total work will cost $_____

The homeowner agrees to pay the deposit of 15% at the signing of this agreement.

The parties agree that the homeowner shall pay the remaining balance within 7 days of the completion of the work.

No payment shall be made until the contractor’s Invoice has been furnished by the contractor and approved by the

Warranties and representations

  • The Parties acknowledge and agree that they have full authority to engage in this Agreement.
  •  The Contractor guarantees the Homeowner that only competent and trained workers will be used, as well as good quality materials.
  • The Contractor further guarantees that the work will be completed in accordance with industry standards.
  • The Contractor guarantees that the Services enumerated in this Agreement will be completed in accordance with the Customer’s needs and specifications.
  • Before incurring any further costs to finish the work, the Contractor shall obtain a written agreement from the Homeowner.
  • A homeowner agrees to pay the full amount indicated in this contract within 7 days of notification of project completion by the contractor


The Parties agree that no part of this Agreement’s responsibilities may be assigned to a third party unless both parties agree in writing.

Force Majure

Neither party will be liable for inadequate performance to the extent caused by a condition (for example, natural disaster, the act of war or terrorism, riot, labor condition, or governmental action,) that was beyond the party’s reasonable control.


This Agreement may be terminated at any time by the written agreement of the Parties.

If the homeowner wants to terminate the contract and the contractor has already incurred expenditures, The homeowner will  5% of the overall contract value and all the cost of the supplies.

If the contractor wishes to terminate the contract before completing the work he will refund the homeowner the deposit.

Dispute settlement

Any disputes related to this contract shall be resolved through a neutral arbitrator, and the findings of the neutral arbitrator shall be considered final and unappealable.

Governing law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of ______________.

Signature And Date

The Parties hereby agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and such is demonstrated throughout by their signatures below:

Name: ______________________
Signature: ___________________
Date: _______________________

Name: ______________________
Signature: ___________________
Date: _______________________

Roofing contract template pdf

The following is a fill in blank printable roofing contract template in pdf format.

Roofing contract template word

The following is a fill in blank printable roofing contract template in Word format.

See also: Sample Contract for service

Simple roofing contract template

[Contractor’s Name]
[Contractor’s Address]
[Contractor’s Phone Number]
[Contractor’s Email Address]

Property Owner:
[Property Owner’s Name]
[Property Owner’s Address]
[Property Owner’s Phone Number]
[Property Owner’s Email Address]

Scope of Work:
The Contractor agrees to provide roofing services as follows:

  1. Description of Work: [Provide a detailed description of the roofing project, including materials, repairs, or replacements involved.]
  2. Materials: [List the materials to be used, including brand names, types, and quantities.]
  3. Timeline: The project is expected to commence on [Start Date] and be completed by [Completion Date].
  4. Price: The total cost for the roofing services is $[Total Amount], payable as follows:

[Specify Payment Schedule, e.g., 50% upfront, 25% halfway, 25% upon completion]

  1. Permits and Inspections: The Contractor is responsible for obtaining any necessary permits and arranging for inspections if required.
  2. Warranty: The Contractor provides a [Warranty Period, e.g., 5-year] warranty on workmanship. Any materials used may be subject to their manufacturer’s warranties.
  3. Changes: Any changes to the scope of work must be agreed upon in writing by both parties and may result in adjustments to the contract price and timeline.
  4. Termination: Either party may terminate this contract in writing for material breach, non-performance, or other valid reasons.
  5. Insurance: The Contractor shall maintain adequate liability insurance during the project.
  6. Cleanup: The Contractor will clean up and dispose of all debris generated by the roofing project.
  7. Governing Law: This contract shall be governed by the laws of [Your State/Country].
  8. Entire Agreement: This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings.
  9. Signatures:

By signing below, both parties acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Roofing Contract.

Contractor’s Signature: ____________ Date: ___

Property Owner’s Signature: ____________ Date: ___

Roofing contract FAQs

Should I get multiple quotes before signing a roofing contract?

It’s advisable to get multiple quotes to compare costs and services. This can help you make an informed decision and ensure you’re getting a fair deal.

What should I look for in a roofing contract’s warranty?

Pay attention to the duration of the warranty, what it covers (materials, workmanship), and any exclusions or conditions. Ensure you understand how to make a warranty claim.

Can I make changes to the roofing contract after signing it?

Changes can be made through a formal contract addendum or amendment. Ensure that any modifications are agreed upon in writing by both parties.

What if the roofing contractor doesn’t complete the project on time?

The contract should specify a timeline for completion. If the contractor doesn’t meet this timeline, you may have grounds for a breach of contract, but it’s important to communicate and document delays.

What if I’m not satisfied with the roofing work?

If the work doesn’t meet the contract’s specifications or quality standards, communicate your concerns with the contractor first. Many issues can be resolved through negotiation. If necessary, consider legal action or dispute resolution methods.

Is a verbal agreement as binding as a written roofing contract?

Written contracts are generally more enforceable in court. Verbal agreements can be challenging to prove and enforce. It’s strongly recommended to have all agreements in writing.

Can I cancel a roofing contract once it’s signed?

Contract cancellation may be possible under certain circumstances, but it depends on the terms outlined in the contract and applicable laws. Consult with legal counsel if you need to cancel a contract.

How do I know if my roofing contractor is licensed and insured?

Request to see their licenses and insurance certificates. Verify this information with the relevant authorities and insurance providers to ensure they are current and valid.

Isack Kimaro
Isack Kimaro

Isack Kimaro brings over 7 years of extensive experience in professional writing. My career has been dedicated to mastering the art of clear, effective communication, essential for successfully professional correspondence.