Free medical school recommendation letter samples [2024]

Here you will see different medical school recommendation letter samples.

But before that, let me give you the 101 on recommendation letters for medical school.

A medical school recommendation letter is a letter written by someone, such as a doctor or professor, who knows you well and believes you would make a good doctor.

This letter is usually sent to the medical school you are applying to and explains why the writer thinks you would be a good fit for the program.

The recommendation letter can help the medical school understand your strengths, achievements, and potential as a future physician.

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Medical school recommendation letters are an important part of the admissions process, as they provide additional information about you beyond your transcripts and test scores.

A medical school recommendation letter is alternatively known as an Evaluation letter or Letter of reference.

That is not the end of our story;

To help you sail through the process here I will guide you on;

  • Why do you need a medical school recommendation letter?
  • How many medical school recommendation letters do you need?
  • Who may write a medical school recommendation letter for you?
  • How to request Medical School Recommendation Letters (+ sample email)
  • What should a medical school recommendation letter contain?
  • medical school recommendation letter samples
    • Medical school recommendation letter from a science professor
    • Medical school recommendation letter from a non-science professor
    • Medical school recommendation letter from a doctor
    • Medical school recommendation letter from employer
    • etc.

I will only cover those basic things here.

I’m doing that because I know you are here for medical school recommendation letter samples, you don’t have much time for blah! blah!

After seeing the samples, you must come here and read the Letter of intent for medical school (guide + free examples), another weapon in a medical school application toolbox.

Let’s get started

Why do you need a medical school recommendation letter?

The following is why you need medical school recommendation letters

  • Medical school recommendation letters are CRUCIAL for the admissions process, as they provide valuable information about you that cannot be found in your transcripts or test scores.
  • They give insight into your unique experiences and qualifications
  • It demonstrates how you may excel in your studies.
  • They will help the admission committee to assess your character, work ethic, and other personal qualities that are essential for success in the medical field
  • Through recommendation letters, admissions committees can gain valuable insights into your potential as a medical student and future healthcare provider.

Key Takeaway: You need a recommendation letter to help the admissions committee to make a more informed decision about your suitability for the program.

Medical school recommendation letter in the admission process

Let me provide you with the following overview, so you can comprehend the flow of recommendation letters in the admission process.

  1. You ask a professor, employer, or healthcare professional who can speak to your qualifications for a medical degree program to provide a letter of recommendation.
  2. He writes the letter of recommendation, highlighting your strengths and providing specific examples of your abilities and experiences.
  3. You submit the letter of recommendation along with your other application materials, such as transcripts, test scores, and personal statements.
  4. The admissions committee at the medical school examines your materials, including your recommendation letter.
  5. The admissions committee benefits from the recommendation letter as it enables them to gain a better understanding of your experiences and qualifications, and it also provides additional information that may not be evident from your transcripts or test scores.
  6. Based on the overall strength of your application, including the recommendation letter, the admissions committee makes a decision on whether to admit you to their medical school program.

Key Takeaway: Medical school recommendation letters improve the overall strength of your medical school application.

How many medical school recommendation letters do you need?

The actual number of medical school recommendation letters that you need to submit can vary depending on the medical school and the specific admissions requirements.

In general, most medical schools will require at least two to three letters of recommendation, although some may require more.

To ensure that you obtain the required number of recommendation letters, it is crucial that you review the admissions requirements for each medical school you are applying to and plan accordingly on how to obtain them.

Some schools are very strict when it comes to how many letters you must submit.

Failing to send the specified number of letters may result in the disqualification or incompleteness of your application.

Make sure you don’t mess up.

Key Takeaway: The actual number of required medical school recommendation letters depends on school requirements. It ranges from 2-3 letters.

Why do medical schools prefer more than one recommendation letter?

I believe medical schools prefer more than one recommendation letter because it allows them to gather multiple perspectives on your abilities, strengths, and potential as a future physician.

Having multiple recommendation letters can give them a more well-rounded view of your character (I call it 360 overview) and can help them better understand your suitability for their program.

Apart from that, multiple letters of recommendation help the admissions committee to verify the accuracy and consistency of the information provided about you.

It also shows that you have a diverse network of individuals who support your candidacy for medical school.

Key takeaway: Multiple recommendation letters allows the admission committees to make informed decisions about your suitability for their program.

Who may write a medical school recommendation letter for you?

Who may write a medical school recommendation letter for you is as important as the number of required letters.

Generally, anyone who knows you in a professional capacity and can comment on your character, work ethic, academic history, scientific acumen, empathy, compassion, resilience, emotional intelligence, commitment, and knowledge of the healthcare environment can write a medical school recommendation letter for you.

The following individuals are highly recommended;

  1. A doctor or other healthcare provider who knows you well and can confirm your clinical experience and suitability for the profession.
  2. Science-professors
  3. Non-science professor
  4. A pre-health or academic advisor/committee members

The good thing is, if the school needs three letters they always specify the individuals required to write each letter.

So don’t stress so much about this.

For example, at Marian University, the College of Osteopathic Medicine typically requires a minimum of THREE letters of recommendation, including ONE from a physician (preferably a DO, but an MD is also acceptable) and TWO from pre-health committee members or physical science faculty members from your university.

Key Takeaway: Anyone who knows you professionally and can talk about your personal and professional traits can write a recommendation letter for your medical school application.

Read: Free Request letter of recommendation samples

How to submit a medical school recommendation letter

Medical school recommendation letters are typically sent directly to the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS), the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Service (AACOMAS), or the Texas Medical and Dental Schools Application Service (TMDSAS) by the individuals who write them, (also known as evaluators) via a letter packet.

Factors determine the number of required recommendation letters and who must write them

After conducting a thorough survey as far as Medical school recommendation letters are concerned, I can say that the number of recommendation letters required and who can write them depends on two factors;

  1. The Application system-AMCAS, AACOMAS or TMDSAS.
  2. The school program

Application System

As to the number of letters;

  • AMCAS allows you to upload up to 10 letters of recommendation.
  • AACOMAS allows you to upload up to 6 letters of recommendation
  • TMDSAS allows you to upload up to 4 letters of recommendation.

As to who can write;

  • AMCAS accepts, Committee letter, Letter packets, and an Individual letter-Supervisor, employers, etc.
  • AACOMAS accepts, Individual letters, Committee letters, and Letter packets
  • TMDSAS accepts Three Individual Letters or One Health Professional Committee letter/packet and the option to submit one additional letter.

The school program

Here you should research the specific school program requirements to determine the number of recommendation letters required and the requirements regarding who can write the recommendation letter for you.

Many programs have strict guidelines regarding required letters and who must write them. In most cases completed evaluations/recommendations can not be removed or replaced. So be carefully

What should a medical school recommendation letter contain?

To be effective a medical school recommendation letter should contain;

  • Official letterhead, personal or professional
  • Date
  • Author/ evaluator contact information-telephone number and/or email address
  • Signature of evaluator (e-signature may be allowed for online submission)
  • Name of the applicant
  • Written in the required language, commonly English
  • Information about the applicant’s abilities, accomplishments, and personal characteristics that make them a strong candidate for medical school
  • Specific examples of the applicant’s skills and experiences
  • Information about the applicant’s academic performance and potential as a medical student and future doctor.
  • General information about the applicant and their background, as well as the context in which the letter is being written. For example, the letter should state how the writer knows the applicant, how long they have known them, and in what capacity. It should also provide some context for the writer’s evaluation of the applicant, such as the specific classes, projects, or activities that the writer has observed the applicant in.
  • Any detailed and specific information that helps the admissions committee better understand the applicant and their potential as a medical student and future physician.

In addition to the information mentioned above, a medical school recommendation letter should also be well-written and organized.


The letter should have a clear structure, with an introduction that explains the writer’s relationship to the applicant and their qualifications to write the letter.

Body paragraphs

The body of the letter should provide detailed information about the applicant’s abilities and experiences and should be organized in a logical and easy-to-follow manner.


Finally, the letter should conclude with a strong recommendation for the applicant and a summary of their qualifications and potential as a medical student and future physician.

Of course, every letter will be different and will depend on your circumstances and relationship with the writer.

The key is to provide detailed and specific information about your abilities, experiences, and potential, and to present this information in a clear and well-organized manner.

Key takeaway: a well-written and organized medical school recommendation letter will provide the admissions committee with a clear and compelling evaluation of the applicant and their potential as a medical student.

How to Request Medical School Recommendation Letters

To request a recommendation letter for medical school, you should first approach a professor, or doctor who knows you well and can speak to your qualifications for medical school.

You can do that through email or in person.

You should provide them with any relevant information, such as your transcripts, CV, or personal statement, to help them write a strong letter of recommendation.

Once you have asked for the letter of recommendation, it is important to follow up with the person periodically to ensure that they are on track to submit the letter on time.

You should also thank them for their time and effort in writing the letter.

Here is a sample request email

Sample Email to request Medical School Recommendation Letter

Sample 1

Dear [Recipient ],

I am writing to request your letter of recommendation for medical school. As you may know, I am currently a [undergraduate/graduate] student at [university] and am planning to apply to medical schools in the upcoming admissions cycle.

I am asking for your support in this process by writing a letter of recommendation on my behalf. I have enclosed my transcripts, CV, and personal statement, which provide some information about my academic background and goals.

I understand that writing a letter of recommendation takes time and effort, and I truly appreciate your consideration. To save you time I have attached the template letter that you can follow through.

In case you need further information from me, I’m available to meet in person and discuss this. You can call me at 555-765-5547

Thank you in advance for your support. I look forward to your response.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Sample 2

Dear [Name],

I am writing to request a medical school recommendation letter. I am applying to medical school and I would greatly appreciate it if you could write a letter of recommendation for me.

I have had the pleasure of working with you for the past [number] years, and I have always been impressed by your knowledge and expertise in the field of [medical field]. I believe that your recommendation would greatly enhance my application, and I would be extremely grateful if you could provide one for me.

Thank you for considering my request. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is any additional information that you need from me in order to write the letter.


[Your Name]

Follow up Email to request Medical School Recommendation Letter

Dear [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to follow up on the email that I sent to you a few weeks ago requesting a letter of recommendation for my medical school application. I was wondering if you have had a chance to consider my request and if you would be able to provide a letter for me.

I understand that you are likely very busy, and I apologize for any inconvenience that my request may have caused. If you are unable to provide a letter, I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know so that I can look for other options.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

[Your Name]

Key takeaways

  1. Choose your recommenders
  2. Make the request-call, email, meeting
  3. Provide necessary materials
  4. Send reminders
  5. Show gratitude

Sample Medical school recommendation letter from a science professor

Medical school recommendation letter from professor



[school address]

Dear Admission Committee

I am writing to strongly recommend John Smith for admission to your medical school. As a science professor, I have had the pleasure of teaching John in a number of classes including “Advanced Embryology and Developmental Biology” during his fourth year at ABC Health College, and have been consistently impressed by his abilities and potential as a future physician.

John consistently demonstrates a strong aptitude for the medical field and has a deep knowledge of the scientific principles that underlie medicine, which he applies in a practical and effective manner. Furthermore, he shows a natural curiosity and eagerly seeks to learn more. He is a hard worker, willing to put in extra effort to ensure his understanding of the material, making him an exceptional student.

John possesses various personal characteristics that qualify him as an exceptional candidate for medical school, in addition to his academic abilities. He shows compassion and empathy and has a strong inclination to assist others. Additionally, he exhibits natural leadership skills and is capable of working effectively in a team setting. I am confident that he can excel in medical school and emerge as an exceptional physician.

I strongly recommend John for admission to your program, and I believe that he would be a valuable asset to your institution, in addition to his academic abilities. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Sample Medical school recommendation letter from a non-science professor

Dear Admission Committee

I am writing to strongly recommend John Smith for admission to your medical school. As John’s former professor in the Humanities program at ABC University, I had the pleasure of teaching him in a number of courses and was consistently impressed by his abilities and potential as a future physician.

John was an exceptional student in my classes, consistently earning top grades and engaging with the material in a deep and meaningful way. He was always prepared for class and was able to apply the material to real-world situations. In addition to his academic performance, John was also a leader in the program, serving as the president of the student association and organizing a number of successful events and initiatives.

In addition to his academic abilities and leadership skills, John also possesses a number of personal characteristics that make him an excellent candidate for medical school. He is compassionate, and empathetic, and has a strong desire to help others. He is also a team player and is able to work well with others to achieve a common goal. I have no doubt that he has the potential to excel in medical school and become an outstanding physician.

I strongly recommend John for admission to your program, and I believe that he would be a valuable asset to your institution.


[Your Name]

Sample Medical school recommendation letter from a doctor

sample letter of recommendation for medical school from doctor

Dear Admission Committee

I am writing to strongly recommend Jane Kimberly for admission to your medical school. As a doctor and Jane’s former supervisor, I had the privilege of working with her as an intern in my clinic, and I was consistently impressed by her abilities and potential as a future physician.

During her time at my clinic, Jane consistently demonstrated her knowledge and skills in the field of medicine. For example, she quickly and accurately diagnosed patients and developed effective treatment plans. She handled complex and difficult cases with confidence and poise. Additionally, she effectively educated patients about their conditions and treatment options as an excellent communicator.

Jane’s personal characteristics make her an excellent candidate for medical school, in addition to her technical abilities. She demonstrates compassion, empathy, and a strong desire to help others. She collaborates effectively with others to achieve shared goals, as evidenced by her instrumental role in organizing a successful health fair for the community, and her work with fellow interns to provide high-quality patient care. Based on these traits, I have no doubt that Jane has the potential to excel in medical school and become an outstanding physician.

I strongly recommend Jane for admission to your program, and I believe that she would be a valuable asset to your institution.

[Your Name]

sample letter of recommendation for medical school from a doctor pdf

Sample medical school recommendation letter from a research supervisor

Dear Admission Committee

I am writing to strongly recommend Jane Kimberly for admission to your medical school. As a research supervisor and Jane’s former mentor, I had the pleasure of working with her on a number of research projects during the Minority Health Disparities Undergraduate Summer Research Program, and I was consistently impressed by her abilities and potential as a future physician.

During her time working with me, Jane consistently demonstrated her knowledge and skills in the field of research. For example, she was the lead author of a study examining the effects of a new medication on patients with a particular medical condition. She was able to design and conduct the study with minimal supervision and was able to effectively analyze and interpret the results. In addition, she was able to effectively communicate the findings of the study in a clear and concise manner, both in writing and in oral presentations.

In addition to her research abilities, Jane also possesses a number of personal characteristics that make her an excellent candidate for medical school. She is compassionate, and empathetic, and has a strong desire to help others. She is also a team player and is able to work well with others to achieve a common goal. For example, she was instrumental in coordinating the efforts of the research team and in ensuring that the study was completed on time and within budget. I have no doubt that she has the potential to excel in medical school and become an outstanding physician.

I strongly recommend Jane for admission to your program, and I believe that she would be a valuable asset to your institution.

[Your Name]

Sample medical school recommendation letter from an employer

Dear Admission Committee

I am writing to highly recommend James Kelly for admission to your medical school. As his employer at XYZ Hospital for the past three years, I have had the pleasure of working with James and have been consistently impressed by his intelligence, compassion, and dedication to his work.

James began his career at our hospital as a nurse’s assistant and quickly proved himself to be an invaluable member of our team. He consistently demonstrated a strong aptitude for the medical field and a deep commitment to providing the highest level of care to his patients. For example, James was able to quickly and accurately assess patients’ needs and implement appropriate care plans. On one occasion, he even identified a critical change in a patient’s condition that had been missed by the attending physician, resulting in timely intervention and a positive outcome for the patient.

In addition to his exceptional technical skills, James also stands out for his compassion and empathy. He is an incredibly kind and caring individual, always putting the needs of his patients first. He is a natural listener and is able to connect with his patients in a way that makes them feel heard and understood. On more than one occasion, patients commented on James’s exceptional bedside manner and how much they appreciated his caring and attentive approach.

James is also an incredibly hardworking and dedicated individual. He consistently goes above and beyond in his work, always striving to provide the best possible care for his patients. He is willing to take on extra shifts and put in long hours when needed, and his colleagues often turn to him for guidance and support. James’s work ethic is truly unparalleled, and I have no doubt that he will be an outstanding physician.

I wholeheartedly endorse James Kelly for admission to your medical school and have no doubt that he will thrive in your program and become an exceptional physician.


[Your Name]

Sample medical School Recommendation Letter from an Extracurricular Supervisor

Dear Admission Committee

I am writing to highly recommend Henry Kane for admission to your medical school. As the head coach of the ABC University Baseball team, I had the pleasure of working with Henry for four years and can attest to his exceptional character and outstanding abilities both on and off the field.

Henry was a standout player on our team, consistently showing exceptional dedication, discipline, and leadership. He was a natural athlete and a key contributor to our team’s success, consistently delivering outstanding performances on the field. Henry’s ability to focus and perform under pressure was unmatched, and he was always able to rise to the occasion and deliver when it mattered most.

But Henry’s talents extend far beyond the field. He is an incredibly hardworking and driven individual, always striving for excellence in everything he does. In the classroom, Henry consistently demonstrated a strong aptitude for the sciences and a passion for learning. His dedication to his studies and his strong work ethic make him an ideal candidate for medical school.

In addition to his impressive academic and athletic abilities, Henry is also an incredibly kind and compassionate person. He was a team leader and an active member of our university community, always willing to lend a helping hand and support his teammates and classmates. I have no doubt that he will be a valuable addition to your medical school and will make a positive impact on the lives of his patients.

I wholeheartedly endorse Henry Kane for admission to your medical school and have no doubt that he will thrive in your program and become an outstanding physician.

[Your Name]

Read also: Transcript request letter

Medical school recommendation letter pdf

Isack Kimaro
Isack Kimaro

Isack Kimaro brings over 7 years of extensive experience in professional writing. My career has been dedicated to mastering the art of clear, effective communication, essential for successfully professional correspondence.