Warning letter for not following instructions 2025 (guide + free samples)

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This post covers everything you need to know about a warning letter for not following instructions.

In any workplace or educational environment, following instructions is a critical component of success.

Whether it’s adhering to safety protocols, completing a task in a specific manner, or meeting a deadline, following instructions is crucial to achieving goals and ensuring a productive and safe working environment.

However, there may be instances when an individual fails to comply with your instructions, either intentionally or unintentionally, and this can have serious consequences.

In such cases, you may use a strong warning letter for not following instructions to handle the situation.

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To help you get the most out of it, here I will guide you through;

  • What is a warning letter for not following instructions?
  • Why do you need a warning letter for not following instructions?
  • When do you need a warning letter for not following instructions?
  • How to write an effective warning letter for not following instructions
  • Warning letter for not following instructions sample
  • etc.

let’s get started

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What is a warning letter for not following instructions?

A warning letter for not following instructions is a brief statement of facts written by an employer or a supervisor to warn an individual who has failed to adhere to specific guidelines, rules, or procedures.

The letter is typically issued as a last resort after informal communication and counseling have failed to correct the individual’s behavior.

A warning letter for not following instructions outlines the specific instructions or rules that were violated, the consequences of not following them, and the corrective action required to prevent future occurrences.

It serves as a warning to the employee that further failure to follow instructions could result in more severe disciplinary action, including termination.

Warning letters for not following instructions are a way for employers and supervisors to ensure that individuals understand the importance of adhering to rules and procedures and that they are accountable for their actions in the workplace.

Why do you need a warning letter for not following instructions?

Here are some reasons why you might need to issue a warning letter for not following instructions;

  1. Safety: Failure to follow safety instructions or procedures can result in accidents or injuries in the workplace, which can be costly to you and could even put employees’ lives at risk.
  2. Productivity: Failure to follow instructions can lead to a decrease in productivity and quality of work, which can negatively impact the business.
  3. Legal compliance: In certain industries, there are strict regulations and guidelines that must be followed to remain compliant with the law. Failure to comply with these guidelines can result in legal action against you.
  4. Accountability: Warning letters for not following instructions hold employees accountable for their actions and can serve as a deterrent for future non-compliance.

When do you need a warning letter for not following instructions?

You may need to issue a warning letter for not following instructions when an employee has repeatedly failed to adhere to specific workplace guidelines, rules, or procedures.

Here are some situations that may warrant the issuance of a warning letter:

  • If an employee repeatedly violates safety rules or procedures, putting themselves or others at risk, you may issue a warning letter to ensure compliance and prevent accidents.
  • If an employee repeatedly fails to follow instructions related to quality control procedures, resulting in products or services that do not meet the required standards, you may issue a warning letter to address the issue.
  • If an employee is repeatedly not meeting performance standards, failing to complete tasks on time, or not following instructions related to their job responsibilities, you may issue a warning letter to address the issue and improve his performance.
  • Suppose an employee repeatedly fails to follow instructions related to legal compliance, resulting in potential legal action against the employer. In that case, you may issue a warning letter to address the issue and prevent future occurrences.

How to write a warning letter for not following instructions

A warning letter for not following instructions is written in a business letter format. Begin your letter with your address and contact information, followed by a date and the employee’s address, and state that you are writing to warn him for not following instructions, provide rules that were violated, and include any further steps to be taken.

Finish your letter with SINCERELY followed by your name and signature.

REMEMBER the aim of your warning letter is to formally warn an employer for not following specific instructions.

Therefore the following is how you can write an effective warning letter for not following instructions.

  • Provide your name, address, and contact information
  • Include the date of the letter
  • Include the employee’s, address, and contact information
  • Include the employee’s name, title, and department
  • Begin by clearly identifying the specific instructions, rules, or procedures that the employee has failed to follow.
  • Be specific about what the employee did wrong and how it has affected the workplace.
  • Clearly outline the potential consequences of not following instructions, such as safety hazards, quality issues, or legal problems.
  • Make reference to any relevant documents signed by the employee (employment contract, rules, procedure, policies, etc)
  • Be clear about what you expect the employee to do to correct the problem and avoid future occurrences.
  • Provide specific instructions on what the employee needs to do to meet expectations.
  • Set a timeframe for the employee to correct the problem and meet your expectations.
  • If applicable offer guidance to the employee on how to correct the problem, including training or resources that may be necessary to help the employee follow instructions in the future.
  • Indicate your intention to take further actions in case of no changes
  • Attach any necessary documentation (previous warning letters (in case of subsequent warning), rules, minutes, etc.)
  • Be concise and to the point
  • Maintain a professional tone
  • Be honest

Warning letter for not following instructions sample



[Employee’s Name]
[Employee’s Street Address]
[Employee’s City, State, and Zip Code]

Dear [Employee’s last name]

I am writing to formally warn you regarding your repeated failure to follow important instructions at work. As you are aware, all employees are expected to follow company rules and procedures, and failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

Over the past few weeks, we have received several reports of safety violations in the workplace due to your failure to follow important safety procedures. Specifically, you have been observed failing to wear the required personal protective equipment, resulting in potential hazards to yourself and others in the workplace. This is a serious violation of our safety policy and cannot be tolerated.

I want to remind you that your failure to follow safety instructions is not only a violation of company policy but also a violation of state and federal regulations. As a result, any further non-compliance may result in legal action against the company.

It is important that you take immediate corrective action to address this issue. Going forward, you are required to follow all safety procedures and wear the required personal protective equipment at all times while on the job. Failure to do so may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Additionally, you are required to attend a safety training session, which will provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to comply with all safety procedures. The training session is scheduled for [date and time] and is mandatory for all employees.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter and sign the attached copy to confirm that you understand the seriousness of this issue and that you are committed to taking corrective action to ensure that this problem is resolved. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

Warning letter for not following company rules

Warning letter for not following company rules

Dear [Employee’s last name]

I am issuing this formal warning to inform you that you have repeatedly violated our company’s rules and policies. As an employee, it is your responsibility to comply with all company regulations, and any disregard for these rules will not be accepted.

In recent weeks, we have received multiple reports indicating that you have failed to adhere to critical company policies, such as arriving late to work, not completing assigned tasks on time, and using company resources for personal reasons. Such actions are serious violations of our policies and have a detrimental impact on the productivity and morale of the entire team. We take these violations very seriously and expect all employees to follow company policies and guidelines at all times.

Your failure to follow company rules and policies is unacceptable, and it has resulted in a significant disruption of the workplace. Your actions have also demonstrated a lack of respect for company policies and expectations.

Please be advised that any future failure to comply with company policies may lead to strong disciplinary action, including termination. It is imperative that you promptly take the necessary corrective measures to address this issue.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter and sign the attached copy to confirm that you understand the seriousness of this issue and that you are committed to taking corrective action to ensure that this problem is resolved. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

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Isack Kimaro
Isack Kimaro

Isack Kimaro brings over 7 years of extensive experience in professional writing. My career has been dedicated to mastering the art of clear, effective communication, essential for successfully professional correspondence.