This post covers the Proof of residency letter.
There are several ways through which a person can prove his/her address- utility bills, bank statements, etc.
Most institutions, such as the public library or the Department of Motor Vehicles, merely require you to show a utility bill or a lease, but certain agencies may demand you to give proof of residency in the form of a letter –A proof of residence letter.
Here I will explain everything you need to know about the proof of residence letter plus a free proof of residence template and samples that you can simply edit and use it.
Let’s get started
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What is a Proof of Residency Letter
Proof of residency letter is a brief statement of facts written by a person or anyone close to him, on his behalf for the purpose of proving that a person is a resident of a certain area or state. It is also referred to as an ‘affidavit of residence’
Proof of residency letter is usually accompanied by supporting documentation, such as an IRS Form W-4 for employees, a lease agreement for tenants, Bank Statement, a Cell Phone Bill, a driver’s License, Utility Bill, Health Insurance Card, a voter’s registration card, etc.
Proof of Residency letter must be notarized if there is no supporting documentation.
Further, a letter of residency, whether notarized or not, must be signed by a 3rd party witness.
How do you write a proof of residence letter?
Proof of residency letter is quite simple to write, begin by writing your address and contact information, then add a date and the addressee’s address, greet the addressee, and declare that you are writing to prove your residency. Leave your name and signature at the end of the letter.
The following is how you can do it with a vivid example
Understand the requirements of the letter
The secret behind writing an effective proof of residence letter is to understand and fulfill its requirements.
The common requirements of a proof of residence letter you must consider include
- The letter must disclose particular information, such as your name, address, and period of residency at the current address.
- If you are a tenant, some institutions may require the letter to be signed by your landlord and attach the lease agreement.
- Some letters will require the submission of other supporting documentation.
- Some institutions may require two witnesses to sign your letter
- Most organizations will require it to be notarized.
Now you understand the requirements, it’s time to craft your letter.
Your address
Your address is the first thing on your proof of residency letter.
Keep it in the letter’s upper left corner.
You may use a heading letter to keep it professional.
Your entire profile, including your name, postal address, and physical address, must be visible. Include your phone number, email address, and a link to your personal website (if any).
for example
Alexander Arnold
103 Main Street
A county, CA 12311
[email protected]
A date must be included in the proof of residency letter,
Put a date underneath your address.
for example
Alexander Arnold
103 Main Street
A county, CA 12311
[email protected]November 01, 2030
Addressee address
After the date writes the address of the authority to whom you are writing a letter.
The address must include the recipient’s name and the institution’s postal and physical address.
In case the name and the address are unknown just write ‘to who it ay concern’
for example
Bob Brown
Downtown Health College
345 Main St.
Ohio, TX 10001
To whom it may concern
Under the recipient’s address, write the subject of your letter.
For clarity, the subject of your letter must contain the name of the person whose residence is proved.
for example
Re: Proof of my Residency
Re: Proof of Residency for {Subject’s Name}
The body of the Proof of Residency letter is very simple and straightforward.
You just acknowledge that you are a resident of a certain state for a certain amount of time. In case you are writing on behalf of someone else, you just verify that a subject is a resident of a certain place for a certain amount of time.
The important thing to consider here is to use appropriate language.
for example
I, [Your name], have formally acknowledged living at the address [Your exact address where you have been living]. Since [Date you moved into the residence].
That I’m [renter’s name]’ landlord and I’m writing to confirm that [renter’s name] is a tenant at the property at [address] since [the date] he/she has resided there for [a certain amount of time]. Currently, [tenant name] pays a monthly rent of [amount].
I’m writing to confirm that your student [name of the student] is a resident of my home at 123 Home Avenue. I am his father, and I have lived in this house for 16 years. We share a house with his three brothers and sisters, as well as their mother.
Witness section
This section appears after the signature and your name.
It contains the statement that your witness acknowledges the facts/claim you have adduced n your letter is true.
The number of witnesses may differ according to the institute’s requirements. But in most cases, one to two witnesses are enough.
example of the witness section
I, as witnesses, attest to [subject Name] aforementioned assertions and acknowledge their residency status.
Witness signature [ Signature] [Date]
[Printed name of witness]
Notary Section
This section is dedicated to a notary public to certify the letter and put his/her seal.
it looks like this
On [Date], [Your Name] appeared before me, [Notaries Name], Notary Public, personally appeared before me and proved to me based on satisfactory evidence to the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to be within this instrument and acknowledge to me that he/she/they executed this document in his/her/their authorized capacities and by their signatures on this instrument the person(s), executed this instrument.
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of in the state of [Name of State] that the foregoing paragraphs are true and correct.
[provide space for Notary Seal]
[Print Name]
Proof of residency letter sample (notarized)

Alexander Arnold
103 Main Street
A county, CA 12311
[email protected]
November 01, 2030
To Whom This May Concern
Re: Proof of my Residency
I, Alexander Arnold, have formally acknowledged living at the address 103 Main Street, A county, CA 12311. Since January 2020.
For your consideration, I have attached various documents proving my residency:
- Bank Statement
- a Cell Phone Bill
Alexander Arnold
I, as a witness, attest to Alexander Arnold’s aforementioned assertions and acknowledge their residency status.
[ Signature] [Date]
[Name of witness]
[Witness’s address]
On [Date], Alexander Arnold, appeared before me, [Notaries Name], Notary Public, personally appeared before me and proved to me based on satisfactory evidence to the person(s) whose name(s) is subscribed to be within this instrument and acknowledge to me that he executed this document in his authorized capacities and by his signatures on this instrument the person(s), executed this instrument.
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of in the state of [Name of State] that the foregoing paragraphs are true and correct.
[Notary Seal]
[Print Name]
Proof of residency letter from family member sample
Janet Steven
111 Hope Street
A county, CA 12001
[email protected]
November 01, 2030
[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
RE: Proof of Residency for [Faimily Member Name]
I’m writing to verify that Michel Jordan is currently residing with me at 111 Hope Street. I am her wife, and we have resided here for the past 22 years. We live together with our two children.
I’ve included copies of utility bills and bank statements that have been issued in my name.
Janet Steven
I, as a witness, attest to Janet Steven’s aforementioned assertions and acknowledge their residency status.
[ Signature] [Date]
[Name of witness]
[Witness’s address]
Proof of residency letter from landlord
William James
111 Hope Street
A county, CA 12001
[email protected]
November 01, 2030
[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
RE: Proof of Residency for [Name of the individual]
Dear [Recipient’s last name]
That I’m [renter’s name]’ landlord and I’m writing to confirm that [renter’s name] is a tenant at the property at [address] since [the date] he/she has resided there for [a certain amount of time]. Currently, [tenant name] pays a monthly rent of [amount].
To support my assertions I’ve included copies of a Lease agreement and proof of rent payment
If you have further questions, please contact me at {contact information}.
Thank you,
Proof of residency letter for school
[Your Name]
[Your address]
[state and zip code]
Bob Brown
Downtown Health College
345 Main St.
Ohio, TX 10001
RE: Proof of Residency for [Name of the candidate]
I’m writing to verify that [name of the candidate] is a resident at my home 103 School Drive. I am his father, and I have lived in this house for 13 years. We share a house with his three brothers and sisters, as well as their mother.
I’ve included copies of utility bills and bank statements that have been issued in my name.
[Your name]
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