Letter of intent to graduate school 2024 (guide + free samples)

A letter of intent to graduate school is a document you write to express your interest in pursuing further education at a particular graduate school or program.

It serves as a formal introduction and a way for you to communicate your goals, qualifications, and reasons for wanting to attend that specific institution.

The letter typically includes information about your academic background, relevant experiences, and future aspirations.

It helps the admissions committee understand your motivation and suitability for the program you are applying to.

Writing a perfect letter of intent for graduate school admission is an important step in your application process.

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I know!

Writing a perfect letter of intent to graduate school is not a simple task, regardless it is your 1st or 100th time.

You really need a detailed guide for that-what to say and how to say it.

Over the years, I have had the privilege of guiding numerous aspiring graduate students on their journey toward securing coveted positions in top-tier programs.

And I will use my experience and what I have learned so far, to help you come up with a perfect letter.

Here I will guide you through

  • Why do you need a letter of intent to graduate school?
  • How to write an effective letter of intent to graduate school
  • letter of intent to graduate school template
  • letter of intent to graduate school sample
  • etc.

Let’s get started

Read also:

A letter of intent for graduate school

A letter of intent for graduate school is an important tool when it comes to joining a graduate school.

It serves as a valuable opportunity for you to showcase your qualifications, aspirations, and fit for the specific graduate program you are applying to.

Unlike personal statements, letters of intent primarily focus on your academic history rather than personal experiences.

A letter of intent for graduate school admission is also referred to as a “statement of purpose.”

I have discovered that admissions committees look for applicants who demonstrate a genuine passion for their field of study and the ability to make valuable contributions to the program.

And the best way to archive that is through a letter of intent.

Why do you need a letter of intent to graduate school?

The following is why you need a letter of intent for graduate school admission

  1. You need a letter of intent to comply with school admission requirements.
  2. It helps the admissions team understand your plans and potential for success. The letter of intent is your opportunity to express your academic and career goals and explain why you are interested in a particular graduate school or program.
  3. The letter of intent is a chance to show your research skills and interests to the admissions team. It allows you to highlight your passion and talents in research, and to demonstrate your involvement in past research projects. This is important because many graduate programs involve a significant research component, such as a thesis or dissertation.
  4. A letter of intent demonstrates writing skills by presenting an essay outlining academic history. Content is important, but writing style, grammar, and structure also show professional and academic abilities.

Things to consider when writing a Letter of intent for graduate school

Before writing anything, check the specific requirements for each school you are applying to, as the guidelines for a letter of intent may vary.

For example, the following is a letter of intent/Statement of Purpose requirements for Stanford University

They say

Describe succinctly your reasons for applying to the proposed program at Stanford, your preparation for this field of study, research interests, future career plans, and other aspects of your background and interests which may aid the admission committee in evaluating your aptitude and motivation for graduate study. The maximum recommended length is 1,000 words.

This one is for the University of Chicago

Your statement should usually address your past work, preparation for the intended field of study, relevant background and interests, academic plans, and career goals. It should be used to describe your reasons for applying to the particular department or program.

And here is for the University of Pennsylvania

  • In 750 words or less, address the factors that have encouraged you to seek an education from Penn GSE. You may also wish to address your background, significant personal and professional experiences related to your program of study, important aspects of your academic record and your professional goals upon completion of your desired program. See exceptions below.
  • If you are applying to multiple programs, tailor each statement of purpose to the individual program.

You see!

Every school has its own unique set of guidelines that must be followed when crafting a letter of intent.

Don’t miss this opportunity to make a lasting impression on your potential school.

Here’s the good news,

Accessing these guidelines is very simple.

Just head over to the specific school’s website and take a look around.

If you’re in a rush, let me give you a shortcut to finding the guidelines quickly and effortlessly.

Just go to Google and type the name of the school you’re interested in, followed by the words ‘statement of purpose’.

For instance, try searching for ‘Harvard University statement of purpose’ and voila!

You’ll find the guidelines in no time.

This simple trick is guaranteed to save you tons of time and effort.”

Here is how it looks;

How to find letter of intent guidelines, how to find statment of purpose guidelines

How to write an effective letter of intent to graduate school

A letter of intent to graduate school is written in a business letter format. Start with your address and contact information, followed by a date and the school’s address, and state that you are writing to express your interest in a school or a certain program and explain they should admit you.

REMEMBER the aim of your letter of intent is to clearly express your strong intention to pursue your graduate studies.

Here is how you can achieve that

  • Provide your name, address, and contact information
  • Include the date of the letter
  • Include the school name and address
  • Tailoring your letter to the specific program you are applying to, highlighting why you are interested in attending their school and how your background and experiences align with their mission and values.
  • Clearly articulating your goals and interests in pursuing a career in a certain program, discussing any relevant experiences you have had and how they have prepared you for a brighter career.
  • showcase your passion and enthusiasm for the program you need.
  • Attach necessary documentations
  • Maintain a professional tone
  • Be straightforward
  • Be honest
  • Follow the school guidelines

Letter of intent to graduate school template

[Your Name]
[City, State ZIP Code]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]


[Admissions Committee/Director of Admissions/School Name]
[Department Name/Graduate Program Name]
[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Admissions Committee/Director of Admissions/School Name],

I am writing to express my interest in applying to the [Department Name/Graduate Program Name] at [School Name]. I have always been passionate about [field of study], and I believe that [School Name] provides the ideal environment for me to continue my education and achieve my academic and professional goals.

I would like to share some information about my background and qualifications that I believe make me a strong candidate for the program. I received my [Undergraduate Degree] in [Field of Study] from [University Name]. During my time at [University Name], I was able to gain hands-on experience in [related field experience], which solidified my interest in [field of study].

I am now eager to continue my education and deepen my understanding of [field of study]. I believe that [School Name] provides the perfect environment for me to do so. I am particularly impressed by the [unique aspect of the program/research opportunities/faculty, etc.], and I am eager to contribute to the dynamic community of scholars at [School Name].

I understand that graduate school is a significant investment of time and energy, but I am confident that the education and experience I will gain at [School Name] will prepare me for a fulfilling and successful career in [field of study]. I am eager to bring my passion and dedication to the program, and I am confident that I will make a valuable contribution to the academic community at [School Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and goals with you.

[Your Name]

Letter of intent to graduate school sample

Dear Admissions Committee

It is with great enthusiasm I am writing this letter to express my sincerest interest in the Masters in Biomedical Engineering at Stanford University. My heart beats with a burning passion for Biomedical engineering, and I know deep down that Stanford University is where I belong to cultivate that passion and turn it into a lifelong career.

Allow me to introduce myself and share the academic journey that has led me to this moment. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, where I honed my skills in engineering and gained valuable experience in the medical device industry. But I was not content with just that. I wanted to delve deeper into the field of Biomedical Engineering, to explore its intricacies and understand its impact on the world. That’s why I am applying to Stanford University.

The world-renowned faculty and cutting-edge research opportunities at Stanford University. truly sets it apart from other schools. I am eager to join the dynamic community of scholars and be a part of developing new medical technologies that can improve lives. I am confident that my background and qualifications make me a strong candidate for the program.

I am ready for the challenge and investment that graduate school requires. I am ready to pour my heart and soul into my education and make the most of every opportunity that your school has to offer. I am ready to bring my passion, dedication, and drive to the program and make a positive impact on the academic community.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to share my vision, my story, and my aspirations with you.


[Your Name]

FAQ about a letter of intent to graduate school

How do I write a letter of intent for graduate school?

To write a letter of intent for graduate school, you should follow these steps:
1. Research the school and program to understand the requirements and goals of the program
2. Start with a clear introduction that explains your interest in the program
3. Discuss your academic and professional background, including relevant courses and experiences that have prepared you for graduate school
5. Clearly explain your career and academic goals and how this program will help you achieve them
6. Conclude with a strong statement of intent, reiterating your motivation and commitment to the program
7. Proofread and edit your letter carefully to ensure that it is error-free, well-written, and presents you in the best light.

How long does a letter of intent have to be for grad school?

The length of a letter of intent for graduate school can vary depending on the school’s requirements, but most are between 500 and 1,500 words. It is important to follow the guidelines provided by the school or program you are applying to and make sure your letter is concise, well-written and presents you in the best light.

Why is a letter of intent required for graduate school admission?

A letter of intent is often required as part of the graduate school admission process because it provides the admissions team with a better understanding of the applicant’s goals and background, and helps them assess whether the applicant is a good fit for the program.

Is a letter of intent the same as a personal statement?

While a letter of intent and a personal statement may cover similar topics, the focus of the two documents is different. A personal statement is typically more focused on the applicant’s personal background and experiences, while a letter of intent is more focused on the applicant’s academic background and goals.

What should be included in a letter of intent for graduate school?

A letter of intent should include information about the applicant’s academic background, why they’re interested in the program they’re applying to, what they hope to achieve through their graduate studies, and what makes them a strong candidate for the program

What tone should a letter of intent for graduate school have?

A letter of intent for graduate school should be professional and serious, but also personal and reflective. The tone should convey the applicant’s passion and enthusiasm for their field of study, and demonstrate why they would be a good fit for the program.

Can I reuse my letter of intent for different graduate school applications?

While some elements of a letter of intent may be useful for multiple applications, it’s important to tailor each letter to the specific program and school you’re applying to. This will show the admissions team that you have a genuine interest in their program and have taken the time to research it.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a letter of intent for graduate school?

Some common mistakes to avoid when writing a letter of intent for graduate school include using cliches, making grammatical errors, using inappropriate or unprofessional language, and not following the school’s guidelines.


A letter of intent for graduate school is a crucial component of the admission process.

It provides the admissions team with valuable insights into the applicant’s academic background, career goals, and reasons for applying to the program.

Writing a well-crafted letter of intent takes time and careful consideration, but it can be a valuable opportunity to showcase your passion, qualifications, and fit for the program.

By following the guidelines, avoiding common mistakes, and tailoring each letter to the specific program and school, you can increase your chances of being accepted into your desired graduate school program.

Read also: Transcript request letter

Isack Kimaro
Isack Kimaro

Isack Kimaro brings over 7 years of extensive experience in professional writing. My career has been dedicated to mastering the art of clear, effective communication, essential for successfully professional correspondence.