Execution of Decree in Tanzania (guide + sample application)

This post covers everything you need to know about the Execution of Decree in Tanzania

Execution is an important legal process for enforcing your legal rights.

Here you will learn

  • Meaning of Execution
  • Laws Govern Execution in Tanzania
  • What’s capable of Being Executed?
  • Competent Courts to Apply For Execution
  • Mode of Application for Execution
  • Application Form for execution
  • application for execution of decree sample
  • Execution form used in District Land and Housing Tribunal
  • Execution form used in District Court, Resident Magistrate Court, and High Court.
  • etc.

Lets get started

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Meaning of Execution

Execution can simply mean a legal process of enforcing a judgment or ruling of the court or tribunal.

Laws Govern Execution in Tanzania

The law which governs execution issues in courts and district land and housing tribunal in Tanzania’s mainland are

  1. Civil procedure Code CAP 33 R.E 2002 from 31-55 and Order XXI and O. XXXIX R. 1-8 (CPC)
  2. Land Disputes Courts (The District Land and Housing Tribunal) Regulations, 2003 Reg. 23-32

See also: Application for stay of execution

What’s capable of Being Executed?

According to section 31 of CPC, it is a decree or order which is capable of being executed

Section 3 of CPC  defines a decree as a formal expression of an adjudication that conclusively determines the rights of the parties with regard to the controversy between the parties and order as f formal expression of any decision of a civil court that is not a decree.

In the case, of east Africa Development Bank vs. Blue Line Enterprises (Civil Application No. 57 of 2004) Court of Appeal of Tanzania explained that a decision capable of being executed should be one that has given rights to the party seeking to execute

Competent Courts to Apply For Execution

  1. A court that passed the decree
  2. Court to which decree sent for execution

Read sections 33 and 34 of CPC for more information on this.

Mode of Application for Execution

The application for execution of the decree Must be in writing and made by the decree-holder /judgment creditor i.e. a person to whom the judgment or order was given in his/her favor. To Judgment Debtor (vice versa of judgment creditor)

In Tanzania execution is applied/initiated through a formal application that is done in a prescribed form.

Application Form for execution

Application Form for execution Must be signed and verified at the foot by the applicant or a person acquainted with the facts of the case

It must also be accompanied by a copy of the decree in case of a judgment or drawn order in case of the ruling.

Further, it must contain in a tabular form the following particulars, namely–The number of the suit;

  1. The names of the parties;
  2. The date of the decree;
  3. Whether any appeal has been preferred from the decree;
  4. Whether any and (if any) what, payment or other adjustments of the matter in controversy has been made between the parties subsequently to the decree;
  5. Whether any and (if any) what, previous applications have been made for the execution of the decree, the dates of such applications and their results;
  6. The amount with interest (if any) due upon the decree or other relief granted thereby, together with particulars of any cross-decree, whether passed before or after the date
    Of the decree sought to be executed;
  7. The amount of the costs (if any) awarded;
  8. The name of the person against whom the execution of the decree is sought; and
  9. The mode in which the assistance of the court is required, whether–
  • By the delivery of any property specifically decreed;
  • By the attachment and sale, or by the sale without attachment, of any property;
  • by the arrest and detention in prison of any person;
  • by the appointment of a receiver; or
  • Otherwise, as the nature of the relief granted may require.

See (Order XXI RULE 9 and 10 of CPC)

Now see the forms below.

Application for execution of decree sample

The following are the sample of application for exacutiion

Execution form used in District Land and Housing Tribunal

GN No. 174 Published on 27/6/2003

Form No. 3.

IN  THE  DISTRICT LAND AND HOUSING TRIBUNAL FOR ……………………………………………………………………………

AT ……………………………………………………….………………………..

APPLICATION   NO. ………………………….. OF ……………………………

…………………………………………………………….  DECREE  HOLDER


…………………………………………………………….  JUDGMENT  DEBTOR


1, I …………………………………………… being the decree-holder in the above application, hereby apply for the execution of the decree/order.

2. The decretal sum is Tshs..…………………………………………………………


3. The decree/order made the following other awards (which are not monetary):










4. I apply for the execution of the decree in the following mode/manner.












( Signed ) ………………..………………………


5.   Fee paid Tshs.…………………. ERV. No. ………….. date………….…………..

6.   Presented for filing this ………………… day of ……….………… 201.….…….


Execution form used in District Court, Resident Magistrate Court, and High Court.

Application for the execution of decree (0.21, r 11)                                 Form No. C.C. 10


In the District Court of ………………



……………………………………… .…………….. Plaintiff/Decree Holder


.…………….…………………………….……. Defendants /Judgment Debtor

I,………………………… the decree-holder, hereby apply for execution of the decree herein as set forth below

Date of  Decree: -………………

Whether any appeal is preferred from decree:-……………

Payment of adjustment, if any:………………………

Previous application, if any, with date and result:- ………………………………………..

Amount with interest due upon the decree or other relief granted thereby together with particulars of any cross decree:-

Amount of costs, if any warded:-
Principal  ….   ……   ….  ….
Interest at 36 %
Less subsequent payment  ……
Less amount of cross decree, if any
Total or balance .…  …..   …… …..
Costs, as in the Decree …   ….  .…
Costs, subsequently incurred

Against whom to be executed:- ……………………………………(J/Debtor

The mode in which the assistance of the Court is required:-  …………………………………

I,………………………………the decree-holder hereby declare that what is stated herein is true to the best of our knowledge and belief.

Dated this …….……………. day of ………………..………………… 20…



 see also

Isack Kimaro
Isack Kimaro

Isack Kimaro brings over 7 years of extensive experience in professional writing. My career has been dedicated to mastering the art of clear, effective communication, essential for successfully professional correspondence.